Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tales of Methodist Nal: The Story of Anarchy on Wheels (2018), part 6

Perry turned to Paul and Albert.  ‘So you lads need to hear all of it.  Well, for the exception of Group Five.  They just got their gas and paid for it.’
‘Others didn’t, then,’ guessed Albert.

‘Oh, no, sir,’ laughed Perry.  ‘Onk!’s group was the first and they didn’t pay a dime.’

Group One

Onk! was the first one to turn off the highway when he noticed his gas was running low.  Others followed him.  They were glad someone turned off to get gas because they were afraid they’d run out.  So Onk! and the crew drove right up to the pumps and got out of their cars.

One of the men let out a low whistle, said, ‘Can you believe these gas prices?  Highway robbery!’

Onk! said, ‘You won’t have to worry about those prices anymore.’

‘What do you mean?’ the other man said.

Onk! said, ‘We’re not paying for anything anymore unless we want to.  Don’t you get the significance of what we’re doing?  We’re seceding!’

‘Seceding?’ the man said.

‘Seceding from it all,’ Onk! said.  ‘I’m declaring my independence along with at least fifty other people driving down the highway doing whatever the hell they want.  They can’t stop us.  And we don’t have to pay anything for gas.’

Then Onk! marched right into the gas station and told the attendant that no one was paying for their gas unless they wanted to.

‘Well, that’s not going to happen,’ the gas attendant said.

‘Oh, yes it is,’ Onk! replied, ‘They’re all filling up right now and no one is coming into pay.’

‘I’ll call the police!’

‘With this phone?’

‘Yeah, with that phone.’

Then Onk! took the phone and walked out of the gas station to his car.  

‘I think I’ll go ahead and pay the man for the gas,’ one of the men said.

‘You’ll do no such thing,’ Onk! said.  ‘We didn’t come this far to turn into pillars of salt.’

After he filled his tank, he led the rest of the group out, back onto the highway, leaving the gas attendant bewildered in his gas station.

Group Two

Group Two had a very different strategy.  This is the one you led in, right, Paul?  Yes, this is Paul’s group.

After the group filled up their tanks, Paul led them all into the gas station and they all gave the attendant all their money.  All their wallets, purses, credit cards, everything.  Paul had given a little speech while they filled up:

‘This marks the beginnings of something big, folks.  This is the beginning of the end for democracy in America.  The democratic population will painfully succumb to the power of the anarchists.  All their power rests solely upon the system they created.  They have no control over those outside their system.  So I say, once we’re finished taking their gasoline, we give them back all those relics they have given us.  The chains that have bound us to them.  The paper in our pockets and plastic in our wallets.  We give it all up to this man in here who is staring at us with a mix of wonderment and fear.  We give him everything.’

So they followed what Paul’s recommendation, and gave up everything to the gas attendant, who didn’t say one word.  

Group Three

The gas station was ready when Group Three pulled in.  The owners had been put on alert and had formed a human blockade into the gas station.  Marshall was leading the group, and he hesitated when he nearly ran headlong into several of the irate gas station workers.  The group of cars were then attacked by the defenders, who smashed in windshields and brake lights and tried to pull a few of the drivers out of their cars.  Marshall gunned it past the onslaught of people and took off toward the highway, followed by maybe half of the original group he led in.  They didn’t get any gas.

Group Four

Group Four was also attacked, but they handled the situation in quite a different way.  Carlos was their leader.  When he saw the assembly of defenders, he just plowed right into them.  The other cars followed.  The defenders weren’t cowed just yet, but when they ran after the cars, Carlos turned around and started chasing after him, running them down.  Eventually the crowd was scattered in fear and Carlos and his group were able to fill up without hassle.  

One of the men said they left twelve dead bodies behind.

‘So they really killed people?’ asked Albert.

‘Yes,’ said Perry.

Albert looked to Paul, who seemed a little distressed.  ‘Surely that was outside their rights,’ Albert insisted.

‘No,’ Paul said.  ‘But I recommend we stay as far away from Carlos and his crowd as we can.’

‘Sounds like that would be the best course of action.’

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