Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Shit Smellers

if you're lucky
you'll live long enough to witness
The Shit Smellers
who will have house parties
or attend citywide events
or even drive lengthy distances
to smell shit
that someone has provided
maybe dog shit, or cat shit, or people shit
maybe even their own shit
and the ones who don't really get it
the one who are just there
for friends or pussy
will not say much about
the shit itself
but if pressed will say things like
"Yeah, I liked this one better than that one"
"I think I'm getting it"
"Now that's what shit is supposed to smell like"
and the ones who do get it will say things like
"You know, I really got into this
really late in life
Actually took me a long time
and a lot of friends
to really open my eyes
But the real revelation came
one day when I was on the toilet
and I realized that my bowel movement
could smell like anything I wanted to
but at the same time, could only smell like
certain things, or just one thing
and at the end of the day
it's just shit
it's so much more
It's hard to say"
and maybe you'll be one of those two people
or maybe
most likely
you'll stand at a distance
and you'll read about it in
and you'll watch your kids
and their friends
or their kids
and their friends
smelling shit at house parties
talking about it at the dinner table
watching fucking tv shows about it
and you'll talk about it with your friends
who also don't understand it
or maybe some of them will
but they won't be able to explain it to you
and even though you won't get it
and you never will
and you won't really want to
you'll be glad that people are out there smelling shit
all kinds of shit
and talking about it like it was normal
because you'll understand people
just a little bit more 
than you did before

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